International Conference on Residency Education (ICRE)

Planning Committee

Planning Committee

ICRE Executive Chair

  • Christopher Watling, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

ICRE Scientific Chair

  • Adelle Atkinson, University of Toronto

ICRE Co-chairs

  • Holly Caretta-Weyer, Stanford University
  • Kelly Caverzagie, University of Nebraska College of Medicine
  • Simon Fleming, Royal North Shore Hospital


  • Jonas Nordquist, Karolinska Institute
  • Brandon Tang, University of Toronto  
  • Emma Vaux, Royal College of Physicians of London

ICRE Resident Co-chairs

  • Rory Clarke, Yorkshire and Humber School of Surgery
  • Mehrnoush Khoshnevis, Karolinska Institute


  • Julia Milden, University of Toronto
  • Ovini Rodrigo, Boston Children’s Hospital

ICRE Program Advisory Board

  • Eusang Ahn – University of Ottawa
  • Rob Anderson, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
  • Ayeetin Azah, National Capital Consortium
  • Glen Bandiera, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Helena Bentley,  Resident Doctors of Canada
  • Farhan Bhanji, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Justin Boyle, University of Toronto
  • Paul Brand – Isala Hospital Zwolle
  • Rodrigo Cavalcanti, University of Toronto
  • Ming-Ka Chan, University of Manitoba
  • Amanda Condon, University of Manitoba
  • Kaitlin Endres, University of Ottawa
  • Leslie Flynn,  Queen’s University
  • Stephen Gauthier, Queen’s University
  • Mitchell Goldenberg,  University of Southern California
  • Andrew Hall, University of Ottawa
  • Jena Hall,  University of Calgary
  • Stanley Hamstra, University of Toronto
  • Joshua Hartzell, Uniformed Services University
  • Jackson Hearn,  University of Cincinnati
  • Dalia Karol, University of Toronto
  • Cedric Lacombe, Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec
  • Gabriel Lavoie,  Université de Montréal
  • Shirley Lee, University of Toronto
  • Patrice Levasseur-Fortin, Université de Montréal
  • Lorenzo Madrazo, University of Ottawa
  • Amanda Mathwig, University of Manitoba
  • ThomasManiatis, Collège des médecins du Québec
  • Shireen McKenzie – Leeds Teaching Hospitals
  • Peter Moore,  Australian Orthopaedic Association


  • Cristiana Palmieri, Nova Medical School
  • Tracy Pham, University of Western Ontario
  • Beatrice Preti, Emory University School of Medicine
  • Deepti Ravi, Cornell University
  • Denyse Richardson, University of Toronto
  • Surabhi Rawal, McGill University
  • Michelle SandovalCabanas, University of Cincinnati
  • Riya Sawhney, WHO Collaborative Centre, India
  • Anurag Saxena, University of Saskatchewan
  • Katherine Schultz, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • Daniel Schumacher, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
  • Savannah Silva, McMaster University
  • Linda Snell, McGill University
  • Susy Stirling, NHS England
  • Lynfa Stroud, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • Andria Tatem,  Eastern Virginia Medical School
  • James Tomlinson, Sheffield UK
  • Sandy Tse, University of Ottawa
  • Teri Lee Turner, Texas Children’s Hospital
  • Sofia Valanci, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • Leona Walsh, Wales Deanery
  • Richard Wardrop, Cleveland Clinic
  • Eric Warm, University of Cincinnati
  • Parveen Wasi, McMaster University
  • Mark Wilson, University of Iowa
  • Brian Wong, University of Toronto
  • Rob Woods, University of Saskatchewan
  • Hilary Writer, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
  • Jaime Yu, University of Alberta

Operations Planning Team

  • Louise Gervais, Team Lead, Conference Management, Event Management and Hospitality Services
  • Alyssa Harding, Event Coordinator, Event Management and Hospitality Services
  • Courtney Jones, Conference Specialist, Event Management and Hospitality Services


  • Jillian Kerr, Conference Assistant, Event Management and Hospitality Services
  • Sandy McKenzie, Event Coordinator, Event Management and Hospitality Services
  • Catlin Pilon, Conference Specialist, Event Management and Hospitality Services