Speaker Resources
Thank you for presenting at the Royal College’s International Conference on Residency Education 2024!
It is going to be a very exciting program this year with many dynamic workshops, plenaries and abstract sessions. If you would like to receive regular conference news and updates, please subscribe to the ICRE newsletter.
Speaker Ready Room: Show Office 2D, Shaw Centre
Ensure to submit the required Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Release Form by July 12, 2024.
Hardwire Internet access is not provided by ICRE.
Please arrive at your session room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
Speaker Resources
Thank you for presenting at the Royal College’s International Conference on Residency Education 2024!
It is going to be a very exciting program this year with many dynamic workshops, plenaries and abstract sessions. If you would like to receive regular conference news and updates, please subscribe to the ICRE newsletter.
Speaker Ready Room: Show Office 2D, Shaw Centre
Ensure to submit the required Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Release Form by July 12, 2024.
Hardwire Internet access is not provided by ICRE.
Please arrive at your session room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.
Workshop Presenters
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Release Form (to be completed by all presenters)
- 2024 ICRE PowerPoint template (Please open using Microsoft Edge)
Paper Presenters
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Release Form (to be completed by all presenters)
- 2024 ICRE PowerPoint template (Please open using Microsoft Edge)
- ICRE will provide the computer and projector for PowerPoint presentations for the session. Please format your presentation for a PC platform in Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Please ensure that your fonts are embedded. Instructions are available but in English only.
- An online tool is available to upload your presentation so that we may load your presentation onto the computer provided in the meeting room prior to the session. Instructions are listed below. Please note Internet access is required; files upload quickly, often in less than 30 seconds.
- It is helpful to know the date and room of your presentation. (If this is not accessible, please put your presentation in the first folder titled ICRE2024).
- The “Login User” is: ICRE2024
- The “Login Password” is: Ottawa
- You will be required to enter your full name and e-mail address so we can identify who has uploaded the file(s).
- You will be asked to run the Java applet that pops up so that you can upload your file.
- Once you have successfully logged in and run the Java applet, use the folder structure at the right of the screen to locate the correct folder text on which to “drop” your file. The folders are set up by date of presentation. Click on the date to expand the view. You will see the room under that date in which you are presenting. To upload your file, simply “drag and drop” it on to the TEXT “Drag your files here,” in the correct date and room. Once your file has successfully uploaded it will appear in the list below the folder.
- Include in your file name the date, room, start time and your last name along with your file name. For example: «Date»_«Room»_«Time»_«Last_Name»_yourfilename.ppt.
- Once onsite, please check in at the Speaker Ready Room (Show Office 2D, Shaw Centre) at least four hours prior to the start of your session (preferably in the morning for afternoon presentations or the day before for morning presentations) to verify your presentation was received and so that we may load your presentation onto the computer prior to the session.
Poster Presenters
Format: Posters will be presented in-person in digital format and must be submitted as 9:16 portrait-oriented PDF file by August 16, 2024. ePoster Submission Form
Creating your digital poster:
- Format: Poster presentations are now in digital format and must be uploaded to the submission platform (ePoster Submission Form) by August 16, 2024.
- When submitting your poster through the submission platform, please ensure that the presenter’s full name, the correct title and abstract ID number are entered.
- Include:
- Title and all authors and institutions at the top of the poster
- Brief introduction, purpose, methods, results, conclusions, and summary presented in a logical and clear sequence
- Explanations for graphs, pictures and tables
- Suggested font sizing:
- Title: 30-point type
- Authors and institutions: 25-point type
- Single-spaced text: 20-point type
- The entire poster layout should be readable from up to five feet away
- Be mindful of your color choices. Using too many colors with varying levels of contrast can make it challenging to understand or interpret the content.
- Mandatory display:
- 9:16 PDF Portrait orientation only
- The most successful and attractive posters are graphically produced posters that highlight and summarize the main points, with the poster presenter filling in the details.
- All posters will be eligible for the ICRE Poster Award. Posters are judged on the structure of the poster (introduction, statement of purpose, description of methods and results, conclusions and summary) as well as visual presentation.
Preparing for your poster presentation:
- Upload your digital poster by August 16, 2024.
- All posters will be displayed using digital kiosks and will be presented in-person.
- Be at your assigned kiosk during the published session time for the facilitated session
- This is your opportunity to inform participants of what your work, explore their interest, start a discussion, and get their response to your findings.
Program Administrators Conference
- 2024 PA Conference PowerPoint template (Please open using Microsoft Edge)